Dynamic Resource Exchange

The Dynamic Resource Exchange (DRE) is the heart of a Cyclus simulation time step. Every Trader that is registered with the Context is automatically included in the exchange. Cyclus agents can either implement the Trader interface as a mixin or can be composed of one or more traders. Note that the Facility class derives the Trader interface, and therefore all agents that derive from Facility are also traders.

On each time step, there is a separate ResourceExchange instance for each concrete Resource (i.e. Materials and Products) of which the kernel is aware. For example, there is an exchange for Material resources and another for Product resources.

The DRE is comprised of five phases which execute in series:

Request For Bids Phase

In the Request for Bids (RFB) phase, the exchange queries all registered traders regarding their demand for a given resource type. Querying is provided through the Trader interface’s “get requests” for a given resource type, e.g., GetMatlRequests() (C++) or get_material_requests() (Python) functions.

Requests are modeled as collections of RequestPortfolio instances, where each portfolio includes a collection of Request objects and a collection of CapacityConstraint objects. A portfolio is sufficiently met if one or more of its constituent requests are met and all of its constraints are satisfied.

A request provides a target resource, a commodity, and a preference for that commodity-resource combination. A constraint provides a constraining value and a conversion function that can convert a potential resource into the units of the capacity (see Response to Request For Bids Phase for a more detailed example).

For example, consider a facility of type FooFac that needs 10 kg fuel, where the fuel is represented by a Material resource. It knows of two commodities in the simulation that meet its demand, FuelA and FuelB, and it prefers FuelA over FuelB. A valid get material request implementation would then be:


virtual std::set<cyclus::RequestPortfolio<cyclus::Material>::Ptr> FooFac::GetMatlRequests() {
  using cyclus::RequestPortfolio;
  using cyclus::Material;
  using cyclus::CapacityConstraint;

  double request_qty = 10; // kg
  std::string recipeA = "recipeA";
  std::string commoda = "FuelA";
  Material::Ptr targetA = Material::CreateUntracked(request_qty,

  std::string recipeB = "recipeB";
  std::string commodB = "FuelB";
  Material::Ptr targetB = Material::CreateUntracked(request_qty,

  CapacityConstraint<Material> cc(request_qty);

  RequestPortfolio<Material>::Ptr port(new RequestPortfolio<Material>());
  port->AddRequest(targeta, this, commodA);
  port->AddRequest(targetb, this, commodB);

  std::set<RequestPortfolio<Material>::Ptr> ports();
  return ports;

  // In this example, both the FuelA and FuelB commodities can meet the
  // material request, but FuelA is preferred. So we define a preference
  // for each commodity as the fourth argument in the function.
  // The larger the preference value, the more the commodity is preferred.
  // The fifth argument here is if the request is exclusive:
  std::set<RequestPortfolio<Material>::Ptr> ports;
  RequestPortfolio<Material>::Ptr port(new RequestPortfolio<Material>());

  double prefA = 2;
  double prefB = 1;
  Request<Material>* r1 = port->AddRequest(targeta, this, commodA, prefA, true);
  Request<Material>* r2 = port->AddRequest(targetb, this, commodB, prefB, true);

  // Additionally, we can create a vector of requests that are mutual:
  std::vector<Request<Material>*> mreqs;
  mreqs = {r1, r2};
  return ports;


import cyclus.typesystem as ts

def get_material_requests(self):
    request_qty = 10.0  # kg
    # Material Target A
    recipe_a = self.context.get_recipe("recipeA")
    target_a = ts.Material.create_untracked(request_qty, recipe_a)
    # Material Target B
    recipe_b = self.context.get_recipe("recipeB")
    target_b = ts.Material.create_untracked(request_qty, recipe_b)
    # commodity mapping to request target
    commods = {"FuelA": target_a, "FuelB": target_b}

    # The Python interface allow you to return a few different structures,
    # depending on your needs.  In its simplest form, if you do not not have
    # any capacity constraints, you can just return the commodity mapping!
    return commods

    # If you do have a capacity constraint, you need to provide a portfolio
    # dict. This is simply a dict with two keys: "commodities" and "constraints".
    # The "commodities" value is the same as above. The "constraints" value is
    # either a float or an iterable of floats.
    # single constraint:
    port = {"commodities": commods, "constraints": request_qty}
    return port
    # many constraints:
    port = {"commodities": commods, "constraints": [request_qty, request_qty*2]}
    return port

    # In this example, both the FuelA and FuelB commodities can meet the
    # material request, but FuelA is preferred. So we define a preference
    # for each commodity. The larger the preference value, the
    # more the commodity is preferred. Placing the dictionaries in
    # a list makes them mutual requests:
    commods = [{"FuelA": target_a, "preference":2},
               {"FuelB": target_b, "preference":1}]
    port = {"commodities":commods, "constraints":request_qty}

    # If you want the requests to be exclusive, then you have to indicate
    # that:
    commods = [{"FuelA": target_a, "preference":2, "exclusive":True},
               {"FuelB": target_b, "preference":1, "exclusive":True}]
    port = {"commodities":commods, "constraints":request_qty}

    # lastly, if you need to return many portfolios, simply return a list of
    # portfolio dictionaries! The "preference" and "exclusive" keys are optional
    ports = [{"commodities": [{"FuelA": target_a, "preference": 2, "exclusive": True}],
              "constraints": request_qty},
             {"commodities": [{"FuelB": target_b, "preference": 1, "exclusive": True}],
              "constraints": request_qty}]
    return ports

Response to Request For Bids Phase

In the Response to Request for Bids (RRFB) phase, the exchange queries all registered traders regarding their supply for a given resource type. Querying is provided through the Trader interface’s “get bids” for a given resource type, e.g. GetMatlBids() (C++) or get_material_bids() (Python).

Bids are modeled as collections of BidPortfolio, where each portfolio includes a collection of Bid objects and a collection of CapacityConstraint objectss. A portfolio is not violated if any of its constituent bids are connected to their requests and all of its constraints are satisfied.

A bid is comprised of a request to which it is responding and a resource that it is offering in response to the request.

Black Box Examples

Consider a facility of type FooFac that has 10 kg of fuel of commodity type FuelA that it can provide. Furthermore, consider that its capacity to fulfill orders is constrained by the total amount of a given nuclide. A valid get material bids implementation would then be:


class NucConverter : public cyclus::Converter<cyclus::Material> {
  NucConverter(int nuc) : nuc_(nuc) {};

  virtual double convert(cyclus::Material::Ptr m, cyclus::Arc const * a = NULL,
                         cyclus::ExchangeTranslationContext<cyclus::Material> const * ctx = NULL) const {
    cyclus::MatQuery mq(m);
    return mq.mass(nuc_);

  int nuc_;

virtual std::set<cyclus::BidPortfolio<cyclus::Material>::Ptr> FooFac::GetMatlBids(
    cyclus::CommodMap<cyclus::Material>::type& commod_requests) {
  using cyclus::BidPortfolio;
  using cyclus::CapacityConstraint;
  using cyclus::Converter;
  using cyclus::Material;
  using cyclus::Request;

  // respond to all requests of my commodity
  std::string my_commodity = "FuelA";
  BidPortfolio<Material>::Ptr port(new BidPortfolio<Material>());
  std::vector<Request<Material>*>& requests = commod_requests[my_commdoity];
  std::vector<Request<Material>*>::iterator it;
  for (it = requests.begin(); it != requests.end(); ++it) {
    std::string recipe = "recipe";
    std::string commod = "Fuel";
    for (it = requests.begin(); it != requests.end(); ++it) {
      Material::Ptr offer = Material::CreateUntracked(request_qty,
      port->AddBid(*it, offer, this);

  // add a custom constraint for Pu-239
  int pu = 932390000; // Pu-239
  Converter<Material>::Ptr conv(new NucConverter(pu));
  double max_pu = 8.0; // 1 Signifigant Quantity of Pu-239
  CapacityConstraint<Material> constr(max_pu, conv);

  std::set<BidPortfolio<Material>::Ptr> ports;
  return ports;


# Note that the Python interface does not yet support custom constraint functions.
# these are fairly rare in practice and is a forth coming feature.
import cyclus.typesystem as ts

def get_material_bids(self, requests):
    """This function takes as input a requests dictionary, which maps
    commodity names to tuples of Request instances. For example::

        requests = {
            "FuelA": (MaterialRequest1, MaterialRequest2),
            "FuelB": (MaterialRequest3, MaterialRequest4),

    For more information on MaterialRequests and ProductRequests, please see
    the cyclus.typesystem docs.
    # Like with get_material_requests(), many potential bid structures can be returned
    # depending on you need. If the commodity that you trade in wasn't requested this
    # time step, you can just return None.
    if 'FuelA' not in requests:

    # Alternitavely, you may return a bid portfolio. Let's start by constructing the
    # bids. If you don't want to offer a bid that is different than the request,
    # you can just provide the requests. The bids are then a list of the request objects
    reqs = requests['FuelA']
    bids = [req for req in reqs]
    # Or if you do want to offer something different than the request, the bids list
    # list contains dictionaries with "request" and "offer" keys
    recipe_comp = self.context.get_recipe(self.recipe_name)
    bids = []
    for req in reqs:
        qty = min(req.target.quantity, self.capacity)
        mat = ts.Material.create_untracked(qty, recipe_comp)
        bids.append({'request': req, 'offer': mat})
    # now that we have the bids, we can add this to a bid portfolio dict, which
    # contains a "bids" key.
    port = {"bids": bids}
    return port

    # if you need to add capcity constraint(s), also include a "constraints" key
    # in the bids portfolio dict.
    port = {"bids": bids, "constraints": self.capacity}
    return port

    # Of course you may also return many bid portfolios by putting the many
    # dicts in the above form in a list.
    ports = [{"bids": bids[::2], "constraints": self.capacity},
             {"bids": bids[1::2], "constraints": self.capacity}]
    return ports

White Box Examples

Consider a case where a facility’s bid depends on the type of the requester’s Agent, and the bidder determines its offer based on the requester’s interface:


cyclus::Material::Ptr FooFac::SpecialFooOffer() {
  std::string recipe = "recipe";
  double quantity = 10;
  Material::Ptr target = Material::CreateUntracked(quantity,
  return target;

virtual std::set<cyclus::BidPortfolio<cyclus::Material>::Ptr> FooFac::GetMatlBids(
                            cyclus::CommodMap<cyclus::Material>::type& commod_requests) {
  using cyclus::BidPortfolio;
  using cyclus::Material;
  using cyclus::Request;

  // respond to all requests of my commodity
  std::string my_commodity = "FuelA";
  BidPortfolio<Material>::Ptr port(new BidPortfolio<Material>());
  std::vector<Request<Material>*>& requests = commod_requests[my_commdoity];
  std::vector<Request<Material>*>::iterator it;
  for (it = requests.begin(); it != requests.end(); ++it) {
    Material::Ptr offer;
    Agent* agent = it->requester();
    FooFac* cast = dynamic_cast<FooFac*>(agent);
    if (cast != NULL) {
      offer = cast->SpecialFooOffer(); // get a special response that the requester wants
    } else {
      double qty = it->quantity();
      std::string recipe = "some_other_recipe";
      Material::Ptr offer = Material::CreateUntracked(qty, context()->GetRecipe(recipe));
    port->AddBid(*it, offer, this);

  std::set<BidPortfolio<Material>::Ptr> ports;
  return ports;


import cyclus.typesystem as ts

def special_foo_offer(self):
    recipe = self.context.get_recipe("recipe")
    target = ts.Material.create_untracked(10, recipe)
    return target

def get_material_bids(self, requests):
    reqs = requests["FuelA"]
    bids = []
    for req in reqs:
        if isinstance(req.requester, FooFac):
            offer = self.special_foo_offer()
            qty = req.quantity
            recipe = self.context.get_recipe("some_other_recipe")
            offer = ts.Material.create_untracked(qty, recipe)
    return {"bids": bids}

Preference Adjustment Phase

In the Preference Adjustment (PA) phase, requesters are allowed to view which bids were matched to their requests, and adjust their preference for the given bid-request pairing. Querying is provided through the Agent interface, so all cyclus archetypes may adjust preferences. The “adjust prefs: functions are based on a given resource type, e.g. AdjustMaterialPrefs (C++) or adjust_material_prefs() (Python).

Preferences are used by resource exchange solvers to inform their solution method. The default preference for all bids is zero. Agents will only utilize the PA phase if there is a reason to update preferences over the default provided in their original request.

Preferences can be adjusted by both the original Trader placing requests as well as any parent Agent instances, with the trader adjusting first and the most senior parent adjusting last. In the supported Region-Institution-Facility agent relationship, Facilities adjust first, followed by Institution and Region parent agents. The calling chain is shown in Figure 1, with the orange box representing a call through the Trader interface and a green box representing the Agent interface.


Figure 1: R-I-F Preference Adjustment Call Chain

Black Box Examples

For example, suppose that an agent prefers potential trades in which the bidder has the same parent agent as it does. A valid adjust material preferences implementation would then be:


virtual void FooFac::AdjustMatlPrefs(cyclus::PrefMap<cyclus::Material>::type& prefs) {
  cyclus::PrefMap<cyclus::Material>::type::iterator pmit;
  for (pmit = prefs.begin(); pmit != prefs.end(); ++pmit) {
    std::map<Bid<Material>*, double>::iterator mit;
    Request<Material>* req = pmit->first;
    for (mit = pmit->second.begin(); mit != pmit->second.end(); ++mit) {
      Bid<Material>* bid = mit->first;
      if (parent() == bid->bidder()->manager()->parent())
        mit->second += 1; // bump pref if parents are equal


def adjust_material_prefs(self, prefs):
    """The adjustment methods have a single argument which is a prefernce dictionary.
    It maps (Request, Bid) tuples to float valued prefernces.  For example::

        prefs = {
            (Request1, Bid1): 1.0,
            (Request1, Bid2): 2.0,
            (Request2, Bid3): 1.0,

    This function may return None or a dictionary of the same form. Note that the
    return value does not need to have all of the same keys as were passed in. Rather,
    it can return only those request-bid pairs that it actually wants to update.
    # If you don't want to do any prefernce adjustment, just return None.
    return None

    # Otherwise we can loop though and update those that matter.
    updates = {}
    for (req, bid), pref in prefs.items():
        # favor bids if the parents are the same
        if self.parent_id == bid.bidder.parent_id:
            updates[req, bid] = pref + 1.0
    return updates

Alternatively, an Institution managing a Facility could adjust preferences as follows:


virtual void FooInst::AdjustMatlPrefs(cyclus::PrefMap<cyclus::Material>::type& prefs) {
  cyclus::PrefMap<cyclus::Material>::type::iterator pmit;
  for (pmit = prefs.begin(); pmit != prefs.end(); ++pmit) {
    std::map<Bid<Material>*, double>::iterator mit;
    Request<Material>* req = pmit->first;
    for (mit = pmit->second.begin(); mit != pmit->second.end(); ++mit) {
      Bid<Material>* bid = mit->first;
      Agent* you = bid->bidder()->manager()->parent();
      Agent* me = this;
     if (me == you)
       mit->second += 1; // bump pref if the parent is me (institutions are equal)


def adjust_material_prefs(self, prefs):
    updates = {}
    for (req, bid), pref in prefs.items():
        if self.id == bid.bidder.parent_id:
            updates[req, bid] = pref + 1.0
    return updates

Finally, a Region managing a Institution could adjust preferences as


virtual void FooRegion::AdjustMatlPrefs(cyclus::PrefMap<cyclus::Material>::type& prefs) {
  cyclus::PrefMap<cyclus::Material>::type::iterator pmit;
  for (pmit = prefs.begin(); pmit != prefs.end(); ++pmit) {
    std::map<Bid<Material>*, double>::iterator mit;
    Request<Material>* req = pmit->first;
    for (mit = pmit->second.begin(); mit != pmit->second.end(); ++mit) {
      Bid<Material>* bid = mit->first;
      Agent* you = bid->bidder()->manager()->parent()->parent();
      Agent* me = this;
      if (me == you)
        mit->second += 1; // bump pref if the grandparent is me (regions are equal)


def adjust_material_prefs(self, prefs):
    updates = {}
    for (req, bid), pref in prefs.items():
        if self.id == bid.bidder.parent.parent_id:
            updates[req, bid] = pref + 1.0
    return updates

White Box Examples

Consider a scenario in which preferences will only be adjusted if the requester and bidder are of the same type:


virtual void FooFac::AdjustMatlPrefs(cyclus::PrefMap<cyclus::Material>::type& prefs) {
  cyclus::PrefMap<cyclus::Material>::type::iterator pmit;
  for (pmit = prefs.begin(); pmit != prefs.end(); ++pmit) {
    Request<Material>* req = pmit->first;
    FooFac* cast = dynamic_cast<FooFac*>(req->requester()->manager());
    if (cast != NULL) {
      for (mit = pmit->second.begin(); mit != pmit->second.end(); ++mit) {
        mit->second = pref + 10; // we like this trader!


def adjust_material_prefs(self, prefs):
    updates = {}
    for (req, bid), pref in prefs.items():
        if not isinstance(req.requester, FooFac):
        updates[req, bid] = pref + 10.0  # we like this trader
    return updates

Solution Phase

The Solution Phase is straightforward from a module developer point of view. Given requests, bids for those requests, and preferences for each request-bid pairing, a ExchangeSolver selects request-bid pairs to satisfy and the quantity each resource to assign to each satisfied request-bid pairing. The solution times and actual pairings will depend on the concrete solver that is employed by the Cyclus kernel.

Trade Execution Phase

When satisfactory request-bid pairings are determined, a final communication is executed for each bidder and requester during the Trade Execution Phase. Bidders are notified of their winning bids through the Trader “get trades” functions (e.g. GetMatlTrades() in C++ and get_material_trades() in Python), and requesters are provided their satisfied requests through the Trader “accept trades” functions (e.g. AcceptMatlTrades() in C++ and accept_material_trades() in Python).

By convention in C++, traders can implement a TradeResponse() function that provides a Material::Ptr given a Trade. It can then implement its Trader interface as follows:


void FooFac::GetMatlTrades(const std::vector< cyclus::Trade<cyclus::Material> >& trades,
                           std::vector<std::pair<cyclus::Trade<cyclus::Material>, cyclus::Material::Ptr> >& responses) {
  using cyclus::Material;
  using cyclus::Trade;

  std::vector< Trade<Material> >::const_iterator it;
  for (it = trades.begin(); it != trades.end(); ++it) {
    Material::Ptr mat = it->bid->offer();
    Material::Ptr response = TradeResponse(mat);
    responses.push_back(std::make_pair(*it, response));


import cyclus.typesystem as ts

def get_material_trades(self, trades):
    """In Python, the get trades functions take a single trades aregument and
    should return a responses dict.  The trades is list of Trade objects, see the
    cyclus.typesystem docs for more information.

    The reponses should be a dict whose keys are these trades and whose values
    are tracked resource instances. For example, Materials.
    # here we respond with what the trade request was.
    responses = {}
    for trade in trades:
        mat = ts.Material.create(self, trade.amt, trade.request.target.comp())
        responses[trade] = mat
    return responses

Similarly, Traders can implement an “accept trade” function that accepts a the resources from a Trade. It can then implement its Trader interface as follows:


void FooFac::AcceptMatlTrades(const std::vector< std::pair<cyclus::Trade<cyclus::Material>, cyclus::Material::Ptr> >& responses) {
  std::vector< std::pair<cyclus::Trade<cyclus::Material>, cyclus::Material::Ptr> >::const_iterator it;
  for (it = responses.begin(); it != responses.end(); ++it) {


def accept_material_trades(self, responses):
    """In the Python interface, this accepts a responses dict that has the same format as
    the responses returned from get_material_trades() above. That is, responses maps
    Trades to Materials. This function is responsible for storing these traded materails
    somewhere in the agent's inventories. This is the end of the dynamic resource
    exchange and so this function shouldn't return anything.
    for mat in responses.values():

The implementation logic for each of these functions is determined by how each individual agent handles their resource inventories. Accordingly, their implementation will be unique to each agent. Some initial examples can be found in the Source and Sink agents, where Source implements GetMatlTrades() or get_material_trades() as a bidder and Sink implements AcceptMatlTrades() or accept_material_trades() as a requester.


Mixin-based Trader Behavior [C++]


The Python interface can easily handle mix-in behavior for Python agents via subclassing and using super() on any agent.

Trader behavior can be specialized based on mixins that an archetype uses. For example, consider an interface that helps determines preferences based on the equality of the parent of a cyclus::Agent.

class PrefGetter {
  double GetPref(cyclus::Agent* mine, cyclus::Agent* yours) {
     return (mine == yours) ? 1 : 0.5;

A trader who then wants behavior based on whether a bidder’s manager inherits from PrefGetter can then implement its preference adjustment as follows:

virtual void FooFac::AdjustMatlPrefs(cyclus::PrefMap<cyclus::Material>::type& prefs) {
  cyclus::PrefMap<cyclus::Material>::type::iterator pmit;
  for (pmit = prefs.begin(); pmit != prefs.end(); ++pmit) {
    std::map<Bid<Material>*, double>::iterator mit;
    Request<Material>* req = pmit->first;
    cyclus::Agent* reqagent = req->requester()->manager();
    for (mit = pmit->second.begin(); mit != pmit->second.end(); ++mit) {
      Bid<Material>* bid = mit->first;
      cyclus::Agent* bidagent = bid->bidder()->manager();
      PrefGetter* pg_cast = dynamic_cast<PrefGetter*>(bidagent);
      if (pg_cast != NULL) {
        // special behavior for the mixin
        mit->second = cast->GetPref(reqagent->parent(),
      } else {
        mit->second = 0; // choose any (reasonable) default behavior


Using a dynamic-checking approach will limit the interoperability of your archetype with others. Some mixins are provided by the Cyclus kernel in its toolkit, which is part of the core library.


Using a mixin-based approach will require special implementation of restart related functions if the mixin has state associated with it (i.e., members that are initialized from an input file and/or stored from timestep to timestep). For further reading, see the pragma cyclus impl directive in Using the Cyclus Preprocessor.

Non-Black Box Behavior [C++]


The Python interface can trivially handle non-black box behavior for Python agents by using isinstance() on any agent.

Cyclus provides a simulation framework that supports black-box entity interaction, i.e., any entity in the simulation can interact with any other entity through its Agent interface. However, there is nothing stopping an archetype developer from implementing logic that is specific to a implemented archetype.

For example, take a facility that informs a trader what composition of material it wants given another facility’s inventory.

class TradeInformer: public cyclus::Facility {
  #pragma cyclus

  cyclus::Material::Ptr IdealMatl(const cyclus::toolkit::ResBuf& buffer) {
     // provide whatever implementation is desired

A provider of material can then implement its GetMatlBids as follows:

virtual std::set<cyclus::BidPortfolio<cyclus::Material>::Ptr>
    cyclus::CommodMap<cyclus::Material>::type& commod_requests) {
  using cyclus::BidPortfolio;
  using cyclus::Material;
  using cyclus::Request;
  using cyclus::Agent;

  // respond to all requests of my commodity
  std::string my_commodity = "FuelA";
  BidPortfolio<Material>::Ptr port(new BidPortfolio<Material>());
  std::vector<Request<Material>*>& requests = commod_requests[my_commodity];
  std::vector<Request<Material>*>::iterator it;
  for (it = requests.begin(); it != requests.end(); ++it) {
    Material::Ptr offer;
    Agent* agent = it->requester();
    TradeInformer* cast = dynamic_cast<TradeInformer*>(agent);
    if (cast != NULL) {
      offer = cast->IdealMatl(inventory); // inventory is a state variable ResBuf
    } else {
      double qty = it->quantity();
      std::string recipe = "recipe";
      Material::Ptr offer = Material::CreateUntracked(qty, context()->GetRecipe(recipe));
    port->AddBid(*it, offer, this);

  std::set<BidPortfolio<Material>::Ptr> ports;
  return ports;

Further Reading

For a more in depth (and historical) discussion, see CEP 18.