Adding Buffers and Policies from the Toolkit

In this lesson, we will:

  1. Add ResBufs to track material inventories

  2. Add Policies to manage the trading of material

  3. Add inventory management logic

  4. Change our log information to show the info about the inventories

  5. Add a notion of total storage capacity


Cyclus has a growing Toolkit of standard patterns that can be used by archetype developers. There are many advantages to using the Toolkit patterns rather than developing similar functionality yourself, typical of most code reuse situations:

  • robustness - Toolkit patterns have been subjected to the Cyclus QA process

  • time savings - It will take less time to learn how to use a Toolkit than it takes to develop your own

  • improvements - You can benefit immediately from any improvements in the performance of the Toolkit pattern

Code reuse is a critical best practice in all software development.

One of the Toolkit patterns is a ResBuf, providing a way to track an inventory of Resource objects. There are also MatlBuyPolicy and MatlSellPolicy for managing the trading of Material objects.

Add State Variables, Buffers, and Policies

All state variable additions should be included in src/storage.h below the other state variables added previously.

A ResBuf is available as a data type for another state variable, so we simply have to add the following:

/// this facility holds material in storage.
#pragma cyclus var {}
cyclus::toolkit::ResBuf<cyclus::Material> inventory;

This creates a state variable named inventory that is based on the cyclus::toolkit::ResBuf class. We’ll explain how buffers and policies work in just a moment. A ResBuf object has special handling by the preprocessor, so it will not appear in the schema and therefore will not appear in the Cycic UI either.

Next, add two additional buffers

/// a buffer for incoming material
#pragma cyclus var {}
cyclus::toolkit::ResBuf<cyclus::Material> input;

/// a buffer for outgoing material
#pragma cyclus var {}
cyclus::toolkit::ResBuf<cyclus::Material> output;

Now add the policies. Policies do not require any special handling, and thus do not need a pragma

/// a policy for requesting material
cyclus::toolkit::MatlBuyPolicy buy_policy;

/// a policy for sending material
cyclus::toolkit::MatlSellPolicy sell_policy;

There needs to be a mechansim for keeping track of when materials enter the inventory. In order to utilize Cyclus’ sophisticated restart capability, we must choose a data structure that is compatible with at least one of the Cyclus output databases (see Database Types). Given that requirement, an appropriate data structure is a list. Accordingly, add the following

/// list for material entry times, providing a default lets this variable be
/// optional in an input file
#pragma cyclus var { \
  "default": [] \
std::list<int> entry_times;

This requires another header file, so at the top of the storage.h file, after #include <string>, add another include

#include <list>

Finally, check that everything works by installing and testing

$ ./
$ Storage_unit_tests

You can also confirm that everything still works with running the simulation:

$ cyclus -v 3 input/storage.xml
          .CL:CC CC             _Q     _Q  _Q_Q    _Q    _Q              _Q
        CC;CCCCCCCC:C;         /_\)   /_\)/_/\\)  /_\)  /_\)            /_\)
        CCCCCCCCCCCCCl       __O|/O___O|/O_OO|/O__O|/O__O|/O____________O|/O__
     CCCCCCf     iCCCLCC     /////////////////////////////////////////////////
     iCCCt  ;;;;;.  CCCC
    CCCC  ;;;;;;;;;. CClL.                          c
   CCCC ,;;       ;;: CCCC  ;                   : CCCCi
    CCC ;;         ;;  CC   ;;:                CCC`   `C;
  lCCC ;;              CCCC  ;;;:             :CC .;;. C;   ;    :   ;  :;;
  CCCC ;.              CCCC    ;;;,           CC ;    ; Ci  ;    :   ;  :  ;
   iCC :;               CC       ;;;,        ;C ;       CC  ;    :   ; .
  CCCi ;;               CCC        ;;;.      .C ;       tf  ;    :   ;  ;.
  CCC  ;;               CCC          ;;;;;;; fC :       lC  ;    :   ;    ;:
   iCf ;;               CC         :;;:      tC ;       CC  ;    :   ;     ;
  fCCC :;              LCCf      ;;;:         LC :.  ,: C   ;    ;   ; ;   ;
  CCCC  ;;             CCCC    ;;;:           CCi `;;` CC.  ;;;; :;.;.  ; ,;
    CCl ;;             CC    ;;;;              CCC    CCL
   tCCC  ;;        ;; CCCL  ;;;                  tCCCCC.
    CCCC  ;;     :;; CCCCf  ;                     ,L
     lCCC   ;;;;;;  CCCL
     CCCCCC  :;;  fCCCCC
      . CCCC     CCCC .
           .  C. ,
Experimental Warning: ResBuf is experimental and its API may be subject to change
Experimental Warning: ResBuf is experimental and its API may be subject to change
Experimental Warning: ResBuf is experimental and its API may be subject to change
Experimental Warning: MatlBuyPolicy is experimental and its API may be subject to change
Experimental Warning: MatlSellPolicy is experimental and its API may be subject to change
Experimental Warning: ResBuf is experimental and its API may be subject to change
Experimental Warning: ResBuf is experimental and its API may be subject to change
Experimental Warning: ResBuf is experimental and its API may be subject to change
Experimental Warning: MatlBuyPolicy is experimental and its API may be subject to change
Experimental Warning: MatlSellPolicy is experimental and its API may be subject to change
Experimental Warning: ResBuf is experimental and its API may be subject to change
Experimental Warning: ResBuf is experimental and its API may be subject to change
Experimental Warning: ResBuf is experimental and its API may be subject to change
Experimental Warning: MatlBuyPolicy is experimental and its API may be subject to change
Experimental Warning: MatlSellPolicy is experimental and its API may be subject to change
Experimental Warning: ResBuf is experimental and its API may be subject to change
Experimental Warning: ResBuf is experimental and its API may be subject to change
Experimental Warning: ResBuf is experimental and its API may be subject to change
Experimental Warning: MatlBuyPolicy is experimental and its API may be subject to change
Experimental Warning: MatlSellPolicy is experimental and its API may be subject to change
Experimental Warning: ResBuf is experimental and its API may be subject to change
Experimental Warning: ResBuf is experimental and its API may be subject to change
Experimental Warning: ResBuf is experimental and its API may be subject to change
Experimental Warning: MatlBuyPolicy is experimental and its API may be subject to change
Experimental Warning: MatlSellPolicy is experimental and its API may be subject to change
INFO1(core  ):Simulation set to run from start=0 to end=10
INFO1(core  ):Beginning simulation

Status: Cyclus run successful!
Output location: cyclus.sqlite
Simulation ID: 9f15b93c-9ab2-49bb-a14f-fef872e64ce8

Add Implementation Logic

The goal of a storage facility is to ask for material up to some limit, store it for an amount of time, and then send it on to any interested parties. This can be implemented in Cyclus by utilizing the Toolkit objects stated above. The buy and sell policies will automatically fill and empty the input and output buffers, respectively. A concept of material flow through the facility is shown below.


Figure: Material flow through a Storage facility. Green arrows occur before the DRE (during the Tick). Yellow arrows occur during the DRE. Brown arrows occur after the DRE (during the Tock).

Connect Buffers and Policies

In order for policies to be utilized, they must be connected to their respective buffers. The storage facility would like them always connected; accordingly, that operation should happen at the time when the facility enters a simulation. The kernel will let agents know that they are entering a simulation via the EnterNotify() function.

Add the following to src/storage.h before the Tick() function

/// set up policies and buffers
virtual void EnterNotify();

And add the following to src/ before the Tick() function

void Storage::EnterNotify() {
  cyclus::Facility::EnterNotify(); // call base function first
  buy_policy.Init(this, &input, std::string("input"), throughput).Set(incommod).Start();
  sell_policy.Init(this, &output, std::string("output"), throughput).Set(outcommod).Start();

Buffer Transfer Logic

The job of the Storage archetype developer is to determine and implement the logic related to transfering material between the input and output buffers and the middle inventory buffer. Two rules govern buffer transfer logic in this model:

  1. All material in the input buffer is transferred to the inventory buffer

  2. Material in the inventory buffer that has been stored for long enough is transferred to the output buffer

Because the input buffer transfer should occur after the DRE, it must happen in the Tock() method. Similarly, because the output buffer transfer should occur before the DRE, it must happen in the Tick() method. For each transfer, care must be taken to update the entry_times list appropriately.

The input buffer transfer requires the following operation for each object in the buffer:

  1. Pop the object from the input buffer

  2. Push the object to the inventory buffer

  3. Push the current time to the entry_times

In order to implement this, replace the current Tock() implementation in src/ with

void Storage::Tock() {
  int t = context()->time();
  while (!input.empty()) {

The output buffer transfer requires the following operation so long as the condition in 1. is met:

  1. Check whether enough time has passed since the time at the front of entry_times and the inventory is not empty. If so:

  2. Pop an object from the inventory buffer

  3. Push that object to the output buffer

  4. Pop a time from the entry_times

In order to implement this, replace the current Tick() implementation in src/ with

void Storage::Tick() {
  int finished_storing = context()->time() - storage_time;
  while (!inventory.empty() && entry_times.front() <= finished_storing) {

Build and Test

Same as it ever was

$ ./
$ Storage_unit_tests

Add Some Logging

Now that all of the required logic is there, it would be nice to know some information about what is happening to a facility during a simulation. This is accomplished in Cyclus through Logging, which is implemented as a stream operation.

Information about the current inventory can be added by updating the Tock() function (after any pushing/popping) with

LOG(cyclus::LEV_INFO2, "Storage") << "The total inventory at time "
                                  << t << " is "
                                  << inventory.quantity() + output.quantity()
                                  << " kg.";

After updating the function should look something like

void Storage::Tock() {
  int t = context()->time();
  while (!input.empty()) {

  LOG(cyclus::LEV_INFO2, "Storage") << "The total inventory at time "
                                    << t << " is "
                                    << inventory.quantity() + output.quantity()
                                    << " kg.";

Notice that this uses the built in quantity() method of a ResBuf object and that both the inventory and output buffers are queried. While the implementation logic requires multiple buffers, the model assumes the facility acts as a single cohesive unit.

You can also add information about the quantity of material that will be requested and offered. Since this information is important to know before the DRE, it goes in the Tick()

LOG(cyclus::LEV_INFO2, "Storage") << "Quantity to be requested: " << buy_policy.TotalQty() << " kg.";
LOG(cyclus::LEV_INFO2, "Storage") << "Quantity to be offered: " << sell_policy.Limit() << " kg.";

After updating the function should look something like

void Storage::Tick() {
  int finished_storing = context()->time() - storage_time;
  while (!inventory.empty() && entry_times.front() <= finished_storing) {

  LOG(cyclus::LEV_INFO2, "Storage") << "Quantity to be requested: " << buy_policy.TotalQty() << " kg.";
  LOG(cyclus::LEV_INFO2, "Storage") << "Quantity to be offered: " << sell_policy.Limit() << " kg.";

To see the logging output, build and rerun the simulation


Increase the verbosity from 2 to 3.

$ ./
$ cyclus -v 3 input/storage.xml
          .CL:CC CC             _Q     _Q  _Q_Q    _Q    _Q              _Q
        CC;CCCCCCCC:C;         /_\)   /_\)/_/\\)  /_\)  /_\)            /_\)
        CCCCCCCCCCCCCl       __O|/O___O|/O_OO|/O__O|/O__O|/O____________O|/O__
     CCCCCCf     iCCCLCC     /////////////////////////////////////////////////
     iCCCt  ;;;;;.  CCCC
    CCCC  ;;;;;;;;;. CClL.                          c
   CCCC ,;;       ;;: CCCC  ;                   : CCCCi
    CCC ;;         ;;  CC   ;;:                CCC`   `C;
  lCCC ;;              CCCC  ;;;:             :CC .;;. C;   ;    :   ;  :;;
  CCCC ;.              CCCC    ;;;,           CC ;    ; Ci  ;    :   ;  :  ;
   iCC :;               CC       ;;;,        ;C ;       CC  ;    :   ; .
  CCCi ;;               CCC        ;;;.      .C ;       tf  ;    :   ;  ;.
  CCC  ;;               CCC          ;;;;;;; fC :       lC  ;    :   ;    ;:
   iCf ;;               CC         :;;:      tC ;       CC  ;    :   ;     ;
  fCCC :;              LCCf      ;;;:         LC :.  ,: C   ;    ;   ; ;   ;
  CCCC  ;;             CCCC    ;;;:           CCi `;;` CC.  ;;;; :;.;.  ; ,;
    CCl ;;             CC    ;;;;              CCC    CCL
   tCCC  ;;        ;; CCCL  ;;;                  tCCCCC.
    CCCC  ;;     :;; CCCCf  ;                     ,L
     lCCC   ;;;;;;  CCCL
     CCCCCC  :;;  fCCCCC
      . CCCC     CCCC .
           .  C. ,
Experimental Warning: ResBuf is experimental and its API may be subject to change
Experimental Warning: ResBuf is experimental and its API may be subject to change
Experimental Warning: ResBuf is experimental and its API may be subject to change
Experimental Warning: MatlBuyPolicy is experimental and its API may be subject to change
Experimental Warning: MatlSellPolicy is experimental and its API may be subject to change
Experimental Warning: ResBuf is experimental and its API may be subject to change
Experimental Warning: ResBuf is experimental and its API may be subject to change
Experimental Warning: ResBuf is experimental and its API may be subject to change
Experimental Warning: MatlBuyPolicy is experimental and its API may be subject to change
Experimental Warning: MatlSellPolicy is experimental and its API may be subject to change
Experimental Warning: ResBuf is experimental and its API may be subject to change
Experimental Warning: ResBuf is experimental and its API may be subject to change
Experimental Warning: ResBuf is experimental and its API may be subject to change
Experimental Warning: MatlBuyPolicy is experimental and its API may be subject to change
Experimental Warning: MatlSellPolicy is experimental and its API may be subject to change
Experimental Warning: ResBuf is experimental and its API may be subject to change
Experimental Warning: ResBuf is experimental and its API may be subject to change
Experimental Warning: ResBuf is experimental and its API may be subject to change
Experimental Warning: MatlBuyPolicy is experimental and its API may be subject to change
Experimental Warning: MatlSellPolicy is experimental and its API may be subject to change
Experimental Warning: ResBuf is experimental and its API may be subject to change
Experimental Warning: ResBuf is experimental and its API may be subject to change
Experimental Warning: ResBuf is experimental and its API may be subject to change
Experimental Warning: MatlBuyPolicy is experimental and its API may be subject to change
Experimental Warning: MatlSellPolicy is experimental and its API may be subject to change
 INFO1(core  ):Simulation set to run from start=0 to end=10
 INFO1(core  ):Beginning simulation
 INFO1(core  ):Current time: 0
 INFO2(core  ):  Beginning Tick for time: 0
 INFO2(Storag):  Quantity to be requested: 10 kg.
 INFO2(Storag):  Quantity to be offered: 0 kg.
 INFO2(core  ):  Beginning DRE for time: 0
 INFO2(core  ):  Beginning Tock for time: 0
 INFO2(Storag):  The total inventory at time 0 is 0 kg of material.
 INFO1(core  ):Current time: 1
 INFO2(core  ):  Beginning Tick for time: 1
 INFO2(Storag):  Quantity to be requested: 10 kg.
 INFO2(Storag):  Quantity to be offered: 0 kg.
 INFO2(core  ):  Beginning DRE for time: 1
 INFO2(core  ):  Beginning Tock for time: 1
 INFO2(Storag):  The total inventory at time 1 is 0 kg of material.
 INFO1(core  ):Current time: 2
 INFO2(core  ):  Beginning Tick for time: 2
 INFO2(Storag):  Quantity to be requested: 10 kg.
 INFO2(Storag):  Quantity to be offered: 0 kg.
 INFO2(core  ):  Beginning DRE for time: 2
 INFO2(core  ):  Beginning Tock for time: 2
 INFO2(Storag):  The total inventory at time 2 is 0 kg of material.
 INFO1(core  ):Current time: 3
 INFO2(core  ):  Beginning Tick for time: 3
 INFO2(Storag):  Quantity to be requested: 10 kg.
 INFO2(Storag):  Quantity to be offered: 0 kg.
 INFO2(core  ):  Beginning DRE for time: 3
 INFO2(core  ):  Beginning Tock for time: 3
 INFO2(Storag):  The total inventory at time 3 is 0 kg of material.
 INFO1(core  ):Current time: 4
 INFO2(core  ):  Beginning Tick for time: 4
 INFO2(Storag):  Quantity to be requested: 10 kg.
 INFO2(Storag):  Quantity to be offered: 0 kg.
 INFO2(core  ):  Beginning DRE for time: 4
 INFO2(core  ):  Beginning Tock for time: 4
 INFO2(Storag):  The total inventory at time 4 is 0 kg of material.
 INFO1(core  ):Current time: 5
 INFO2(core  ):  Beginning Tick for time: 5
 INFO2(Storag):  Quantity to be requested: 10 kg.
 INFO2(Storag):  Quantity to be offered: 0 kg.
 INFO2(core  ):  Beginning DRE for time: 5
 INFO2(core  ):  Beginning Tock for time: 5
 INFO2(Storag):  The total inventory at time 5 is 0 kg of material.
 INFO1(core  ):Current time: 6
 INFO2(core  ):  Beginning Tick for time: 6
 INFO2(Storag):  Quantity to be requested: 10 kg.
 INFO2(Storag):  Quantity to be offered: 0 kg.
 INFO2(core  ):  Beginning DRE for time: 6
 INFO2(core  ):  Beginning Tock for time: 6
 INFO2(Storag):  The total inventory at time 6 is 0 kg of material.
 INFO1(core  ):Current time: 7
 INFO2(core  ):  Beginning Tick for time: 7
 INFO2(Storag):  Quantity to be requested: 10 kg.
 INFO2(Storag):  Quantity to be offered: 0 kg.
 INFO2(core  ):  Beginning DRE for time: 7
 INFO2(core  ):  Beginning Tock for time: 7
 INFO2(Storag):  The total inventory at time 7 is 0 kg of material.
 INFO1(core  ):Current time: 8
 INFO2(core  ):  Beginning Tick for time: 8
 INFO2(Storag):  Quantity to be requested: 10 kg.
 INFO2(Storag):  Quantity to be offered: 0 kg.
 INFO2(core  ):  Beginning DRE for time: 8
 INFO2(core  ):  Beginning Tock for time: 8
 INFO2(Storag):  The total inventory at time 8 is 0 kg of material.
 INFO1(core  ):Current time: 9
 INFO2(core  ):  Beginning Tick for time: 9
 INFO2(Storag):  Quantity to be requested: 10 kg.
 INFO2(Storag):  Quantity to be offered: 0 kg.
 INFO2(core  ):  Beginning DRE for time: 9
 INFO2(core  ):  Beginning Tock for time: 9
 INFO2(Storag):  The total inventory at time 9 is 0 kg of material.

Status: Cyclus run successful!
Output location: cyclus.sqlite
Simulation ID: 747f6c86-fce8-49be-8c57-8bb38e11761a

Add a State Variable to Define Storage Capcity

A natural extension for the current storage facility implementation is to have a maximum storage capacity. To do so, first add a capacity state variable to storage.h . If you still want the input file to work, you have to provide a default key in the pragma data structure. A sufficiently large value will do.

#pragma cyclus var { \
  'doc': 'Maximum storage capacity (including all material in the facility)', \
  'tooltip': 'Maximum storage capacity', \
  'units': 'kg', \
  'default': 1e200, \
  'uilabel': 'Maximum Storage Capacity' \
double capacity;

The required implementation is nontrivial. The goal of adding a capacity member is to guarantee that the amount of material in the facility never exceeds a certain value. The only way for material to enter the facility is through the input ResBuff via the buy_policy. The MatlBuyPolicy sets a maximum buy amount based on both its throughput and the capacity of the connected ResBuf. Accordingly, you can update the input buffer’s capacity before the DRE occurs to achieve this behavior.


Figure: Storage buffers between two time steps. The total capacity is represented by the area of all three boxes. The input buffer’s capacity must be updated to reflect how much material is in both the inventory and output buffers. The colored arrows on the right match the material flows in the previous figure.

To do so, add the following line to the end of the Tick() function (in the implementation file), which updates capacity of the input through the ResBuf capacity() API

// only allow requests up to the storage capacity
input.capacity(capacity - inventory.quantity() - output.quantity());

So the full Tick() function now looks like

void Storage::Tick() {
  int finished_storing = context()->time() - storage_time;
  while (!inventory.empty() && entry_times.front() <= finished_storing) {

  // only allow requests up to the storage capacity
  input.capacity(capacity - inventory.quantity() - output.quantity());

  LOG(cyclus::LEV_INFO2, "Storage") << "Quantity to be requested: " << buy_policy.TotalQty() << " kg.";
  LOG(cyclus::LEV_INFO2, "Storage") << "Quantity to be offered: " << sell_policy.Limit() << " kg.";

Build and Test

Same as it ever was

$ ./
$ Storage_unit_tests

Update Input File and Run

You can test that your new capacity capability works by adding the following to the end of the config block for Storage (before the close tag </Storage>) in input/storage.xml


Note that this capacity is smaller than the throughput! What do you think you will see in the output logs?

Try it out (don’t forget to delete the old sqlite file first):

$ rm cyclus.sqlite
$ cyclus -v 3 input/storage.xml
          .CL:CC CC             _Q     _Q  _Q_Q    _Q    _Q              _Q
        CC;CCCCCCCC:C;         /_\)   /_\)/_/\\)  /_\)  /_\)            /_\)
        CCCCCCCCCCCCCl       __O|/O___O|/O_OO|/O__O|/O__O|/O____________O|/O__
     CCCCCCf     iCCCLCC     /////////////////////////////////////////////////
     iCCCt  ;;;;;.  CCCC
    CCCC  ;;;;;;;;;. CClL.                          c
   CCCC ,;;       ;;: CCCC  ;                   : CCCCi
    CCC ;;         ;;  CC   ;;:                CCC`   `C;
  lCCC ;;              CCCC  ;;;:             :CC .;;. C;   ;    :   ;  :;;
  CCCC ;.              CCCC    ;;;,           CC ;    ; Ci  ;    :   ;  :  ;
   iCC :;               CC       ;;;,        ;C ;       CC  ;    :   ; .
  CCCi ;;               CCC        ;;;.      .C ;       tf  ;    :   ;  ;.
  CCC  ;;               CCC          ;;;;;;; fC :       lC  ;    :   ;    ;:
   iCf ;;               CC         :;;:      tC ;       CC  ;    :   ;     ;
  fCCC :;              LCCf      ;;;:         LC :.  ,: C   ;    ;   ; ;   ;
  CCCC  ;;             CCCC    ;;;:           CCi `;;` CC.  ;;;; :;.;.  ; ,;
    CCl ;;             CC    ;;;;              CCC    CCL
   tCCC  ;;        ;; CCCL  ;;;                  tCCCCC.
    CCCC  ;;     :;; CCCCf  ;                     ,L
     lCCC   ;;;;;;  CCCL
     CCCCCC  :;;  fCCCCC
      . CCCC     CCCC .
           .  C. ,
Experimental Warning: ResBuf is experimental and its API may be subject to change
Experimental Warning: ResBuf is experimental and its API may be subject to change
Experimental Warning: ResBuf is experimental and its API may be subject to change
Experimental Warning: MatlBuyPolicy is experimental and its API may be subject to change
Experimental Warning: MatlSellPolicy is experimental and its API may be subject to change
Experimental Warning: ResBuf is experimental and its API may be subject to change
Experimental Warning: ResBuf is experimental and its API may be subject to change
Experimental Warning: ResBuf is experimental and its API may be subject to change
Experimental Warning: MatlBuyPolicy is experimental and its API may be subject to change
Experimental Warning: MatlSellPolicy is experimental and its API may be subject to change
Experimental Warning: ResBuf is experimental and its API may be subject to change
Experimental Warning: ResBuf is experimental and its API may be subject to change
Experimental Warning: ResBuf is experimental and its API may be subject to change
Experimental Warning: MatlBuyPolicy is experimental and its API may be subject to change
Experimental Warning: MatlSellPolicy is experimental and its API may be subject to change
Experimental Warning: ResBuf is experimental and its API may be subject to change
Experimental Warning: ResBuf is experimental and its API may be subject to change
Experimental Warning: ResBuf is experimental and its API may be subject to change
Experimental Warning: MatlBuyPolicy is experimental and its API may be subject to change
Experimental Warning: MatlSellPolicy is experimental and its API may be subject to change
Experimental Warning: ResBuf is experimental and its API may be subject to change
Experimental Warning: ResBuf is experimental and its API may be subject to change
Experimental Warning: ResBuf is experimental and its API may be subject to change
Experimental Warning: MatlBuyPolicy is experimental and its API may be subject to change
Experimental Warning: MatlSellPolicy is experimental and its API may be subject to change
 INFO1(core  ):Simulation set to run from start=0 to end=10
 INFO1(core  ):Beginning simulation
 INFO1(core  ):Current time: 0
 INFO2(core  ):  Beginning Tick for time: 0
 INFO2(Storag):  Quantity to be requested: 8 kg.
 INFO2(Storag):  Quantity to be offered: 0 kg.
 INFO2(core  ):  Beginning DRE for time: 0
 INFO2(core  ):  Beginning Tock for time: 0
 INFO2(Storag):  The total inventory at time 0 is 0 kg of material.
 INFO1(core  ):Current time: 1
 INFO2(core  ):  Beginning Tick for time: 1
 INFO2(Storag):  Quantity to be requested: 8 kg.
 INFO2(Storag):  Quantity to be offered: 0 kg.
 INFO2(core  ):  Beginning DRE for time: 1
 INFO2(core  ):  Beginning Tock for time: 1
 INFO2(Storag):  The total inventory at time 1 is 0 kg of material.
 INFO1(core  ):Current time: 2
 INFO2(core  ):  Beginning Tick for time: 2
 INFO2(Storag):  Quantity to be requested: 8 kg.
 INFO2(Storag):  Quantity to be offered: 0 kg.
 INFO2(core  ):  Beginning DRE for time: 2
 INFO2(core  ):  Beginning Tock for time: 2
 INFO2(Storag):  The total inventory at time 2 is 0 kg of material.
 INFO1(core  ):Current time: 3
 INFO2(core  ):  Beginning Tick for time: 3
 INFO2(Storag):  Quantity to be requested: 8 kg.
 INFO2(Storag):  Quantity to be offered: 0 kg.
 INFO2(core  ):  Beginning DRE for time: 3
 INFO2(core  ):  Beginning Tock for time: 3
 INFO2(Storag):  The total inventory at time 3 is 0 kg of material.
 INFO1(core  ):Current time: 4
 INFO2(core  ):  Beginning Tick for time: 4
 INFO2(Storag):  Quantity to be requested: 8 kg.
 INFO2(Storag):  Quantity to be offered: 0 kg.
 INFO2(core  ):  Beginning DRE for time: 4
 INFO2(core  ):  Beginning Tock for time: 4
 INFO2(Storag):  The total inventory at time 4 is 0 kg of material.
 INFO1(core  ):Current time: 5
 INFO2(core  ):  Beginning Tick for time: 5
 INFO2(Storag):  Quantity to be requested: 8 kg.
 INFO2(Storag):  Quantity to be offered: 0 kg.
 INFO2(core  ):  Beginning DRE for time: 5
 INFO2(core  ):  Beginning Tock for time: 5
 INFO2(Storag):  The total inventory at time 5 is 0 kg of material.
 INFO1(core  ):Current time: 6
 INFO2(core  ):  Beginning Tick for time: 6
 INFO2(Storag):  Quantity to be requested: 8 kg.
 INFO2(Storag):  Quantity to be offered: 0 kg.
 INFO2(core  ):  Beginning DRE for time: 6
 INFO2(core  ):  Beginning Tock for time: 6
 INFO2(Storag):  The total inventory at time 6 is 0 kg of material.
 INFO1(core  ):Current time: 7
 INFO2(core  ):  Beginning Tick for time: 7
 INFO2(Storag):  Quantity to be requested: 8 kg.
 INFO2(Storag):  Quantity to be offered: 0 kg.
 INFO2(core  ):  Beginning DRE for time: 7
 INFO2(core  ):  Beginning Tock for time: 7
 INFO2(Storag):  The total inventory at time 7 is 0 kg of material.
 INFO1(core  ):Current time: 8
 INFO2(core  ):  Beginning Tick for time: 8
 INFO2(Storag):  Quantity to be requested: 8 kg.
 INFO2(Storag):  Quantity to be offered: 0 kg.
 INFO2(core  ):  Beginning DRE for time: 8
 INFO2(core  ):  Beginning Tock for time: 8
 INFO2(Storag):  The total inventory at time 8 is 0 kg of material.
 INFO1(core  ):Current time: 9
 INFO2(core  ):  Beginning Tick for time: 9
 INFO2(Storag):  Quantity to be requested: 8 kg.
 INFO2(Storag):  Quantity to be offered: 0 kg.
 INFO2(core  ):  Beginning DRE for time: 9
 INFO2(core  ):  Beginning Tock for time: 9
 INFO2(Storag):  The total inventory at time 9 is 0 kg of material.

Status: Cyclus run successful!
Output location: cyclus.sqlite
Simulation ID: 1ce98e9b-bd89-402b-8bd6-c8266e293dba